Professional Digitizing Service
Photos, albums, documents, slides, negatives, movies, videos, and audio tapes
- Scan 8mm, Super 8 or 16mm film movies in 4K resolution.
- Receive editable MP4 files or DVD movies with each frame captured in High Definition.
- Video and audio tape as editable MP4 and MP3 formats.
- Photos, albums, documents, slides, and negatives, in JPEG or TIFF format, from 600 to 9600 dpi.

A la carte professional scanning
- To receive an estimate, take a picture of your collection and complete form by clicking “Request a quote” button
- Schedule appointment with one of our professional consultants
- Service provides large and small collections assistance
- Volume provides lower prices
- $60 minimum per item category
Starting at:

Redeemable for any one:
- 1000 Photos (600DPI)
- 200 Photos (1200DPI)
- 265 Scrapbook Scans
- 800 Slides (4100DPI)
- 800 Negatives (1200DPI)
- 20 Videotapes
- 1535 ft. Film (4K Frame-by-Frame)
(Transfer & all frames individually) - Book/Video Project Credit
- $60 minimum per item category

Mix-and-match services
- 2000 Photos (600DPI)
- 400 Photos (1200DPI)
- 530 Scrapbook Scans
- 1600 Slides (4100DPI)
- 1600 Negatives (1200DPI)
- 40 Videotapes
- 3070 ft. Film (4K Frame-by-Frame)
(Transfer & all frames individually) - Book/Video Project Credit
- $60 minimum per item category