Family Matters Education and Outreach Toolkit Bundle


Societies and Clubs work with locations such as Libraries, Community Centers, Senior Living, Museums, and others to provide education, socialization, and fun.

Creating awareness via outreach and affordable programming is needed.

By listening to a wide array of individuals and organizations focused on family history, aging, legacy sharing, and storytelling, Vivid-Pix invented patent-pending Memory Station and Software.

The Family Matters Professional Education Bundle and Outreach Toolkit brings your community in the doors.

Priced Separately, the included items cost $706.00.
Save by purchasing the bundle: $499.00.


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Education 4 Course Bundle for Professionals

Professional Bundle includes the following courses:
Printed Photo Organizing Made Easy – Cathi Nelson
Tell Your Stories for Professionals – Laura Hedgecock
Photo Reminiscence Therapy NIDE Certification – Joshua Freitas
Digital Photography Fundamentals – David Huffman

Family Matters Outreach Toolkit

Family Matters Outreach Toolkit provides organizations turnkey materials to attract new audiences to their programs, showcase their specialty records and research techniques, and introduce new people to the excellent work that these organizations do.