The memories of the fun we had are what can help get through some of the chilly days to come
The memories of the fun we had can help us get through some of the chilly days to come. We’ve all seen when our social media feeds fill up with people posting images of fun in the sun on their vacations.
Did you take some time this summer to visit some exotic locale? How about a relaxing tropical cruise? Or what about a trip to a famous theme park? Documenting and sharing trips and summer happenings can be a great way to help connect with friends and family over your travels, but be careful: Experts say that “oversharing” pictures can have some unintended consequences.
Share in the Moment or Wait?
In today’s social media saturated culture, it can be tempting to want to keep your friends and followers updated on your every move. The Boston Globe points out how, while it may be tempting to share your photos as soon as you take them, sometimes it pays to wait until the end of your trip before you release images of your travels.
“A lot of people want to share photos in the moment,” Audrey Scott, co-founder of the travel blog Uncornered Market, told the Boston Globe. “They don’t want to wait until the end of the trip to post. But waiting lets them think about the top three or four experiences and gives them an opportunity to share things that were meaningful.”
By curating your photos rather than posting as you go, you can present a more thoughtful, sincere travelogue rather than endless iterations of the same – admittedly beautiful – scenery. You are then less likely to overwhelm (and possibly anger) the well-meaning folks who are stuck at home.
Time to Edit and Improve Photos
Another advantage of waiting to post images from a summer vacation is that it gives you time to edit and improve your photos. Even the most gorgeous sites can be undermined by bad lighting, digital-image noise, challenging settings or other issues related to being an amateur photographer.
“Don’t be tricked into thinking that your photography is great,” Daniel Noll, fellow founder of Uncornered Market, told the Globe. “You should think of yourself as a storyteller when you share your pictures and distill the highlights of your trip.
If your photos from summer vacation are in need of a tune-up, can help. From your desktop PC and Mac, you can easily import your photos taken on dry land or even underwater and, with the click of a button, fix photos that are too dark, too light, backlit, hazy and tilted. Our patented image science technology allows for intuitive one-click improvement, making it easy to save and share your stories later.
Can’t wait until you get home to share? Don’t worry: LAND & SEA is available as an iOS app for iPad and iPhone (and soon Google and Android phones), giving you the ability to edit photos you take directly on your mobile device. To learn more, visit vivid-pix.com today.
Share your photos
A picture says a thousand words – and the words surrounding the picture helps tell the story. Please “Share your photos” and story so that we can include them in our blog.
Please send these to Rick.Voight@Vivid-Pix.com