40+ Free Workshops Teach How to Keep Photos Safe & Accessible from
National Disasters and Fading Caused by Light, Heat, & Humidity

Savannah, GA, September 8, 2021 – Vivid-Pix announced today that they have joined the worldwide effort to preserve family memories during September’s “Save Your Photos Month.”
At www.saveyourphotos.org, 40+ free workshops, live Q&As with experts, and weekly challenges with prizes and giveaways are available to help people learn how to keep photos safe and accessible from national disasters, water damage, and fading from light, heat, and humidity; so they can enjoy their cherished memories for years to come.
Scan, Restore, and Share Your Treasured Memories
Vivid-Pix is co-sponsoring Save Your Photos Month, with a free image restoration how-to class and prize. Vivid-Pix provides extensive education resources at https://www.vivid-pix.com/education/ with free classes on how to “Share Your Family History Stories / Family Traditions / Interviewing / Reminiscing,” as well as the “Save Your Photos Month” class at: https://www.vivid-pix.com/SYPM/. In addition, Vivid-Pix’s unique Whodunit Mystery Game provides genealogy research tips and prizes, including a weekend in London or NY City or $1,000, and other great prizes from www.vivid-pix-prints.com.
“It’s never been more apparent that the checklist on what to take with you in the event of fire, flood, and other natural disasters is people, pets, and photos. Experts recommend that photos and important documents should be protected in 3 ways: original, local backup and cloud backup,” said Rick Voight, CEO, Vivid-Pix.
Vivid-Pix RESTORE patented AI powered software fixes virtually any image in just one click, automatically improving old photos, slides, and documents, as well as new digital photos and documents. Vivid-Pix RESTORE automatically restores faded color, black and white, and sepia photos, and documents; and provides image organization, editing, and saving. It improves a wide variety of image formats, and includes metadata tagging for transcribing and sharing family stories. The “Crop/Recalculate” feature hones in on specific areas that need fixing – details essential for family historians. Vivid-Pix is recognized by genealogists and hobbyists as the most simple and affordable way to improve faded photos and unreadable documents, such as letters, immigration records, newspaper clippings, postmarks, and birth, wedding, and death certificates, as well as other crucial photos and documents essential to the research and sharing of family history, the second most popular hobby in the U.S.
Vivid-Pix RESTORE Availability
Vivid-Pix RESTORE is available for Mac and Windows for $49.99 at: https://vivid-pix.com/restore/buy with a 10 Free-Fix Trial without a credit card required at: https://vivid-pix.com/restore/free-trial. The U.S. Patent Office has awarded two patents to Vivid-Pix for its image processing techniques used to automatically correct images. See Vivid-Pix RESTORE in action at: https://Vivid-Pix.com/restore. For more information, see the website at:
https://vivid-pix.com/ and www.saveyourphotos.org.
About Vivid-Pix
Vivid-Pix was founded by Rick Voight and Randy Fredlund, who have a combined 47 years of experience from Eastman Kodak Co. They brought Kodak’s “You Press the Button, We Do the Rest” philosophy to the design of Vivid-Pix RESTORE AI software. For more info, see: https://vivid-pix.com/.
Karen Thomas/Eva Yutani, Thomas PR
Emails: kthomas@thomaspr.com / eyutani@thomaspr.com
Free trial RESTORE download: https://vivid-pix.com/restore/free-trial.html
RESTORE demo: https://vimeo.com/460360543 and https://Vivid-Pix.com/restore
Website: https://vivid-pix.com/
Save Your Photos Month 2021 – Rick Voight, Vivid-Pix Class: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/SaveYourPhotosMonth2021RickVoightVividPixClasss.jpg
Boy Before & After: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/BoyBeforeAndAfter.jpg
Save Your Photos Month Photo: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/SaveYourPhotosMonthPhoto.jpg
September is Save Your Photos Month Photo: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/SeptemberisSaveYourPhotosMonthPhoto.jpg
Baby – Photo Restored with Vivid-Pix: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/vividpixbabyphoto.html
Children next to Fireplace – Photo Restored with Vivid-Pix: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/vividpixchildrennexttofireplace.html
Anderson Murphy Before-After: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/vividpixmurphybeforeafter.html
Recalculated Cropped Stamp Before-After: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/vividpixstampbeforeafter.html
Vivid-Pix Parade Photos – Before & After: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/vividpixparade.html
RESTORE overview graphic: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/vividpixrestoreoverview.html
Vivid-Pix Logo: http://www.thomas-pr.com/136/photos/vividpixlogo.html