The Journey(s) Day 11

Don’t Blink 

“Don’t blink, it goes by in a heartbeat.”   I often use this phrase when speaking with parents of young children.  The time we get to spend with children as they grow and begin seeing the world in new and different ways is one of the greatest joys of being a parent.


Sometimes, we get to see the inner child even when they’re older – like when they choose a stuffed animal as their souvenir gift.

And if you listen, you get to be part of their ever growing view and knowledge of life and the world… Don’t blink – keep listening – and keep talking.

Yelllowstone – a place like no other – yes, I was looking for Yogi and Boo Boo, but settled on what Lewis and Clark “discovered” and brought to America – here you’re able to view Lewis Lake, other beautiful natural environments, and how this park provides the habitat to view some amazing creatures – here are a few photos including Old Faithful – she was on time!

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