The Journey(s) Day 10

Reliving Moments and Making Memories  

Spend 10 days in the car, traveling 6K miles, with someone you love completely, and you’re bound to have some great conversations… and also some agitated times.


Reliving Moments – back when Meg and I were traveling to tennis tournaments, there was a time when the conversation turned to a very female topic and I said “I’m not sure I want to talk about this”.   My daughters response “are you sure you want to limit what we talk about?”  Profound and a critical time in the development of our relationship – we talk about everything.

Making Memories – take the time to spend time with your loved ones – we only get one chance.

The Grand Tetons provides breathtaking jagged peaks and an understanding of how our forefathers (and mothers) settled and tamed our nation.

 Yosemite, here we come!

Learn More About The Journey(s)

Read Megumi Voight’s Blog