In celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and to sing the praises of wonderful work, every quarter we recognize and award the amazing work that individuals and organizations do to help the family history community.
Please join us in thanking these wonderful people for their caring activities!
FamilySearch, in recognition of the twentieth anniversary of the premiere website for genealogical research and the tenth anniversary of RootsTech. Their activities are connecting families across generations.
This award acknowledges the organization’s continuous commitment to the documentation of the past and its dedication to preservation for future generations.
Amy Hedrick, I’m not a business or a library, I’m just an individual who has paid out of my own pocket to present GlynnGen.com online for free, to the public; as well as helping people research their own family histories, for free. Ms. Stacy Ashmore Cole (who nominated Amy) is one of the people I’ve met with – a truly genuine heart who knows how to share; proof of her kindness is in this nomination. Thank you for this honor; this is the first time my work has ever been officially recognized. I receive verbal praises all the time, but never awards so this means a lot to me after over 23 years of researching and helping others.
This project started with the Ontario Genealogical Society Tech Team building our own Provincial Heritage Cloud system and then purchasing our own Microfilm Scanner where the images are uploaded too. It is loaned out to Branches & Libraries across the Province to do this work, with the only cost being the Society can retain a copy and assist in getting the newly digitized material on-line. Since starting this in 2019, we have digitized approx. 300,000 images.
The Lewis and Clark and Montana State Genealogical Libraries are combined as one and run by the Lewis and Clark Genealogical Society. The Montana State Genealogical Society Library was formed when the Montana Historical Society was looking for a home for their non-Montana genealogy books. The combined library is a non-profit run by all volunteers. It is a reference only library with volunteers working scheduled hours to help patrons, answer queries and do projects. The Lewis & Clark Library in Helena Montana has furnished free space for many years to the genealogy society.