Low light can present a serious challenge for even the most seasoned photographers.
Low light can present a serious challenge for even the most seasoned photographers. Light is the most important part of how we perceive images and all photography involves capturing the light reflecting off of a physical object.
Whether you’re looking to evoke a certain atmosphere or simply happen to whip out your camera or camera phone at night, getting solid shots in low-light environments can be tricky. Here are a few tips to help ensure that your photos come out looking spectacular, regardless of whether or not your location is fully illuminated.
Turn on your flash
This is the simplest solution: Flash photography provides its own illumination, allowing pictures to have more clarity, color and depth than they otherwise would. Unfortunately, the light from a flash can be harsh and often results in a “red eye” effect in people and animals.
Adjust your ISO and shutter speed
While this may seem complicated, it’s actually much simpler than it sounds: Your shutter speed is how long it takes for your camera to take a photo while your ISO is how sensitive your camera is to light. In low-light settings, lengthening your shutter speed and upping your ISO can help you take clearer, brighter pictures. Traditional cameras have controls built into them to make it easy to change both ISO and shutter speed. Smartphones cameras can also be adjusted, as these iPhone instructions show.
Fix low-light photos with Vivid-Pix software
One of the best solutions for taking great low-light photographs is simply not to worry about lighting in the moment! With Vivid-Pix LAND & SEA software, you can easily fix underlit photos with the push of a button. Photos that are too dark, too light, backlit, hazy, tilted or even taken underwater can be adjusted simply and shared with family and friends. Contact Vivid-Pix today to learn more!
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