Our friend Maureen Taylor, The Photo Detective, shared a lovely (and terrible) story about her parent’s wedding album. “While all old photo albums fade with age, Mom’s was the worst! – The film processing or printing was done poorly and mom never really enjoyed her wedding album."

Maureen scanned the photos and RESTORE-d them. “Mom was thrilled.”

We are happy to...

We receive many images at showme@vivid-pix.com from people who want to see if RESTORE can help their images.  Even if you’re not from Missouri, the Show-Me State, you can do the same.

We look at every single image file and use RESTORE to make the pictures look the best they can.  Most can be improved, but some are beyond hope. 



2020 Started as a year of hope and now ending as a year of hope, as well. 

We’ve gone through trials and tribulations, and a well-known adage has never been more true: That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

The year has helped me to recognize how precious life’s “simple pleasures” truly are: The connectedness we feel from a handshake, a hug,...

Shaking Hands, Hugs, & Kisses Will Have to Wait, but Smiles, Laughter, and Excitement Don’t Have to! 

“Gathering Traditions” Tutorial Videos Show How to Connect While Distant 
Classes by: Kenyatta D. Berry from PBS, Reunions Magazine, DearMYRTLE, and Cousin Russ

Savannah, GA, December 9, 2020 – Vivid-Pix www.vivid-pix.comthe leading provider of AI-powered image restoration software, is partnering with Kenyatta D. Berry from PBS, Reunions MagazineDearMYRTLE, and Cousin Russ to provide free, valuable how-to information that will keep friends and family safe and connected...

Vivid-Pix “Gathering Traditions” Shows How to Connect While Distant
Create Holiday & Reunion Time Capsules for Genealogy & Reminiscence

Vivid-Pix BOGO Buy One/Gift One for Free Holiday Promo
Lets You Give the Gift of Restored Memories

Savannah, GA, November 10, 2020 – Vivid-Pix www.vivid-pix.comthe leading provider of AI-powered image restoration software, understands that Thanksgiving and the holidays are not going to be the same this year, with families and friends unable to get together or share holiday...

The time that volunteers commit to scan, index, and transcribe records, documents, and photos is immense and often goes unrecognized. This is why we created the Unsung Heroes Programs. Please join us in giving thanks!



Media Release, Tampa, FL, September 1, 2020

Genealogy Guys and Vivid-Pix Announce Unsung Heroes Awards at Federation of Genealogical Societies 2020 Conference

In this time of social distancing and needing to stay connected, our Father’s Day Card Free Template – for children, wive's, and parents of all ages – is hopefully helpful.

The customizable photo and signature areas make yours unique to you.


1. Scan a photo, or use a current digital photo (set scan resolution at 300 dpi or more).

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