Create Treasured Gifts in Minutes

1.  Look through photo albums for photo(s) that will delight loved one(s).

a.  Did your parents send out Holiday Cards?  –  Mine did…

b.  Here’s one of my sister and me from around 50 years ago.

c.  I’m able to create an inexpensive – but highly treasured – gift for mom and sister!


2.  Scan the photo.

a.  Your office All-In-One printer will do a fine job – set resolution for at least 300 dpi.

b.  Use a Flip-Pal mobile scanner – and scan on your couch.

c.  As you flip through the album (or box) you’ll see many shots you’ll want to scan.

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3.  Download a Free Trial of

a. Software is available for Mac and Windows.

b.  No credit card required.

c.  Fix up to 10 Pics (and/or documents).


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4.  Give your pics (and documents) the Vivid-Pix Fix!

a.  Select the photo you wish to enhance.

b.  Pick your favorite from 9 improved options.

c.  Save or Fine-Tune/Save


Fix Pix


5.  Print!

a.  Order online – there are many options – including

b.  Save on a thumb drive and walk into a store.             

c.  Print on your home printer (be sure to use photographic quality paper).


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a. The above steps – not including finding the photo in the closet – may become addictive.

b. Family History is America’s second most popular hobby (growing elsewhere).

c. Bring back memories of joy and times past – a wonderful way to spend time with loved ones.


Merry Holidays!

Rick, Randy, and the Vivid-Pix Team 


BTW, if you decide to purchase RESTORE prior to December 25th you can save 20%.


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